Self Help

  • I Don’t Want to Talk About It: Overcoming the Legacy of Male Depression

    Terrence Real uses a combination of personal and professional experience to delve deep into the subject of depression among men. He describes how depression for men often differs significantly from how it manifests in women. He talks in great depth about how this depression is deeply rooted in generational and childhood trauma and explains how societal conditioning often separates men from their emotions, impairing their ability to understand themselves or connect to others. This book destigmatizes depression for men and offers valuable guidance to their loved ones.

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  • How Do I Get Through To You?

    This book by Terrence Real builds upon the concepts of his earlier book, I Don’t Want to Talk About It: Overcoming the Legacy of Male Depression, to discuss the complex nature of relationships. Once again, he pulls from his own experiences and those of couples he has counseled to provide a relatable narrative about how communication in relationships breaks down or may even fail develop. He takes an unorthodox approach to couple’s counseling, providing valuable insight to both partners to help them salvage their relationship or make the painful, but necessary decision to go their separate ways.

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  • Buddha’s Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, & Wisdom

    This book is a fascinating exploration of how ancient mindfulness and meditation practices work within the context of neuroscience. Through understanding the mechanisms at work in the brain authors, Rick Hanson and Richard Mendius, guide you through mindfulness practices which incorporate neurological and physiological cues that will enhance the experience and benefits of meditation.

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  • Self-Defeating Behaviors

    This book breaks down some of the most common self-defeating behaviors we are all susceptible to. Using real-life examples and self-tests, the authors of this book, Milton Cudney and Robert Hardy, help us see how easy it is to fall into patterns of self-sabotage, as well as provide practical advice for how to break through our self-imposed barriers to live a more fulfilling life.

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  • Running On Empty

    In this book Jonice Webb focuses specifically on the traumatic impact of childhood neglect, in both overt and subtle forms. She provides insight into the many forms childhood neglect can take and how that neglect later affects our ability to love ourselves, pursue our goals, and form healthy, loving relationships with others as adults. Finally, she gives helpful guidance to those who are struggling to heal from this kind of neglect as well as to those who love them.

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  • The Disease to Please: Curing the People-Pleasing Syndrome

    “People-Pleasing” is one of the most common self-sabotaging behaviors, whether it stems from insecurity, feelings of unworthiness, or fear of rejection and confrontation there’s no denying its negative impact on our lives and our relationships. Boundary setting is one of the healthiest things we can do for ourselves and our relationships, but it can also be one of the most difficult lessons to learn and implement in our lives. In this book, Harriet Braiker, presents us with relatable examples of how we may be sabotaging ourselves by always saying yes, even when we should really be saying no. She also gives practical advice and daily exercises to help us break free from detrimental people-pleasing tendencies.

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  • Addiction to Love

    This book is a comprehensive guide for anyone who finds themselves stuck in a pattern of toxic, obsessive, and codependent relationships. Susan Peabody breaks down the different types of relationship dynamics a person can get stuck in and describes how these repeating patterns are indicative of addiction. She points out how history, literature, and society often glorify obsession, mislabeling it as love. She lays out a comprehensive list of symptoms, along with providing, self-tests to help you determine if you are suffering with addictive tendencies in love and to identify what patterns you are repeating. She also offers strategies to help you break free from harmful relationships and positively transform your perspectives and behaviors around love. Finally, she helps you to prepare for and identify healthy relationship dynamics so that you can break toxic relationship patterns and have a fulfilling love life once and for all.

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  • How to Break Your Addiction to a Person

    In this book, Howard Halpern addresses how toxic, dependent relationships are formed and how our need for attachment can cause us to counter-intuitively seek out people with whom we can never have a healthy, fulfilling relationship. He helps us to confront our own self-destructive behaviors in relationships and provides advice for how to detach ourselves from harmful relationships.

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