Episode 61: Bloopers & Blushes: Neurodiversity in the Bedroom

S-E-X is almost always a taboo topic of discussion, perhaps especially among neurotypicals and “civilized society”. For those of us who are neurodivergent and already regularly struggle with the subtleties of social scripts, the topic of intimacy can feel more taboo and, at times, even confusing. The lived experience of neurodivergents is often different in surprising, wonderful, and weird little ways; and though we often can’t discuss S-E-X openly we can likely assume that the same rule applies in this arena of life as well. But how do we know for sure if we can’t talk about it? Well, we don’t know how to answer that question, but your Different Functional ladies here are pretty direct and blunt, and since we don’t know any other way to be we figured, why not go about this in a trial-by-fire sort of way. Join us as we discuss the intricacies, oddities, and awkwardness of being neurodivergent in the bedroom, and help us answer the age-old question: “Is it just me, or…..?” Thanks for listening. We very much appreciate you and the support you offer us. If you’re enjoying the show it would be wonderful if you could please like, subscribe, rate, review, and spread the word about our humble little podcast. If you’re feeling especially generous and would like to support us on Patreon you can find us here


Episode 62: Running on Fumes: Tips and Tricks for Tackling Burnout and Refueling Your Tank


Episode 60: The Duality of Neurodivergence: Recognizing Our Challenges & Embracing Our Strengths