Episode 57: Mostly Unmasked: A Curiously Candid Conversation Compilation

We’ve been doing the podcast now for a little over two years and if you’ve been listening for awhile you’d probably think you know us pretty well by now. I mean we do share a lot about our personal lives and past experiences, and we always try to be as authentic as possible, but if you’re neurodivergent you’re likely also very familiar with a little thing called “masking”. To coexist somewhat peaceably in a neurotypical world, many neurodivergents learn early on that they have to slip on a persona and play by certain rules, and over time those masks become almost second nature and it can even become difficult to remember where the mask ends and you begin. So for this episode we’re doing something a little bit different. We want to show you our strange, little neurodivergent selves, as unmasked and unfiltered as possible; so instead of presenting you a typically structured episode where we’d instinctively mask, we’ve compiled a ton of clips with our more candid moments during the last two years that never made it into the episodes. From bloopers to conversations about the weirdness of life, this is a glimpse behind the masks we wear everyday. Strap in and prepare yourselves for a rowdy and raucous good time that’s chaotic, unhinged, and hilarious. We’ve got the combined humor of teenage boys, little old ladies, and fed up millennials so expect some crude humor, cussing, and complaints about weird things bodies do. We hope you’ll join us for the party and that you’ll still like us on the other side of it, after you’ve seen some of our rougher edges. Thank you for listening, your support means the world to us! Don’t forget to rate, review, and subscribe to the podcast. And if you’d like to support us on Patreon you can find us at www.patreon.com/differentfunctional


Episode 58: The Stress Test: Are Popular Coping Mechanisms Helpful for Neurodivergents?


Episode 56: Dating Differently: Exploring the Awkwardness of Neurodivergent Dating